I Never Owned a Lawnmower
98 pages of great color photos with writing about personal life and art
$35 includes shipping...contact me at [email protected]
$9.99 Ebook thru www.lulu.com/spotlight/alansoffer
$9.99 CD (with short video on encaustic process) contact me!
Amazing! That is the word that jumps to my mind when I see what I have accomplished as an artist and previously as a dentist. My father never encouraged working with your hands, only the brain. Yet my life has found meaning and joy using my hand as a conduit for my spirit and mind.
It seems as if I have channeled a link to the universal spirit when I am painiting and in the zone. What a blessing and a surprise to have found my way through the forest of distractions to the warm glow of the center.
"Painting the reality of the mind in wax, oil, and acrylic" is my mantra. Nothing is purer than that. A beautiful rendering of a pasture with a cow and barn is considered realistic painting, but to me it represents a copy of the real thing in most cases. For the real thing one must go to nature itself or a photo as second best. What explodes on these pages are only available here and now. It is not a copy of anything. It is my authentic truth.
My ARTOBIOGRAPHY takes the reader through a rich life from Alan Soffer's beginnings in the cradle. Growing up as a sports addict and continuing to his work as a Dentist, which is depicted at some length for its importance. But especially for the important work that began with his study of ancient Dentistry and the five years of art about this concept. Moving from Ceramic sculpture to abstract expressionist painter seemlessly. Along the way, creating the first national conference on the subject of Encaustics. Pushing the subject to a new level and continuing his fascination with its beauty to this day.